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Business Analysis
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Reports Analysis
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Profit Planning
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Project Reporting
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Consulting Services
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Corporate business
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AboutOver 25+ Years Experience
in Corporate Business

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Emma Olivia
CEO at Reobiz
TeamOur Expert Consultants

Reobiz donec pulvinar magna id leoersi pellentesque impered dignis sim rhoncus euismod euismod eros vitae. Curabitur porta, sapien nec laoreet scelerisque, libero enim scelerisque dui, vitae ullamcorper elit elit vel arcu.

Mike Jason
Business AdvisorFrancis Ibikunle
Senior ConsultantAra Gates
Finance ConsultantClaire Divas
Business AdvisorIsabella Croline
IT Consultant
Reviews From Best Clients

I highly recommend CM Bookkeepers for their communication, seriousness to work and for their quality of service. They are professionals !

I have been working with C & M Bookkeepers and Administrators for more than 3 years. It is an excellent choice for my company because their professionalism and their services are top-notch ! They are flexible, they understand their clients’ needs, the company is a solid choice for anyone. I am very impressed and pleased with their services and I will continue to work with them and to recommend it to others too.

Extremely delighted with recent work done by the design team of CM Bookkeepers. They were always professional, approachable and gave meticulous attention to detail. Right from start to finish, they were a pleasure to deal with and the entire process was flawless for me. They designed me a stunning website without breaking my bank! Greatly Recommended!!

I find C M Bookkeepers to be extremely proactive, flexible and professional. They are always available when I need them the most. Highly recommend.

I’m so glad I chose the C & M Bookkeepers for filing my year end returns. Easy sign up! The best customer service! Always a quick response via email and always available for a call!
It’s been a really positive and productive journey so far!

NewsRead Latest Updates

Revenue CRSS Guidelines
New CORE Portal – Key Features
Business Bank Account Benefits
Register of Beneficial Ownership
Do I need a website?
Sole Trader vs Limited Company
AboutBook An Appointment

127 Double Street, Dublin,
United Kingdom.
p: (+123) 555 8888
p: (+123) 555 8899
Mon-Fri: 10:00-18:00
Sat-Sun: 10:00-14:00