Company Formations
We provide a wide array of services for individuals who wish to start their business in Ireland.
From Company Formations to Tax Registrations, regular filing of various Revenue and CRO Returns to various Company Secretarial services, we will assist you through in a professional and timely fashion.
- Free Company Name Availability Check
- Advice and Assistance
- Company Secretarial Services
- Tax Registrations
- Help with opening Business Bank Account
- Help with Logos, Business Cards and Web Design

We always ensure our clients a hassle free set up of new Limited Company in Ireland to getting their business up and running.
For more information on Irish Company Formations or Company Secretarial Services, please contact us.

Got any Questions?
Call us Today!
Cyril - 087 316 7336
Marius - 087 221 1301
Infiintare firma LTD (SRL)
Deschiderea unei companii va poate oferi o serie de avantaje. Compania C & M Irish Bookkeepers and Administrators Ltd va poate acorda asistenta necesara pentru infiintare unui LTD si inregistrarea pentru taxe,Vat(TVA). Totodata, va oferim suportul necesar pe perioada colaborarii noastre cu d-voastra. Lucram cu soft-uri contabile avansate. La cererea d-voastra va putem oferi acces la programul nostru de facturare pentru a emite facturi clientilor d-voastra intr-o forma rapida si eficienta. Veti fi tinut la curent cu ultimile modificari fiscale din Irlanda.